Dr. Thushar H. Chandarana
Dr. Thushar H. Chandarana
Assistant Professor & Head
Department of Journalism,
Saurashtra University-Rajkot-360005, Gujarat, India


Points to be included under the one page Bio-Note of every faculty:

 Shri. T.H.Chandarana

  1. University Education from: Saurashtra University
  3. Present Designation: Asst.professor & Head
  4. Research Area: (from PhD topic) -
  5. PG Teaching Experience: 31 years
  6. Research Experience: -
  7. Guided approx 90 students for dissertation in M.J.M.C. & M.Phil
  8. Areas of Expertise: Development  Communication, Advertising
  9. Books Published (authored/edited): (in number) -
  10. Research Paper Published: (in number) -
  11. Number of Research Students Guided:  Approx. 90 (Dissertation)
  12. Number of Research Students Guiding:  -
  13. Academic Fellowships: (mention the fellowships) -
  14. Invitations from Other Universities/Institutions: (mention the institutions)

I have checked and taken viva of two students(dissertations) from Gujarat Vidyapith,  Ahmedabad in 2012.

  1. Other Awards/Recognitions: (mention the awards – minimum State-level) -