Legal Section

Legal Section & RTI Cell

Legal Section dealing with all the matters related to legality in respect of Interpretation and Court of Law. It also provides legal services on various legal matters of the University & Affiliated colleges. Co-ordinate and liaison with university advocates in respect of litigation against the University in various court of law. This section helps  other sections of the University about the interpretation of the particular provision of the Act, Statutes, and Ordinance of the Saurashtra University.

This section drafts various assignments, Contracts, M.o.U., on behalf of the University for various Fraternity & industry. Providing legal advice in any issue is the primary function of the Legal Section.

Legal Section also prepares the proposed draft of Statutes, Ordinances, and Regulations & Rules as suggested by the Authority. All the unfair means cases during university examinations are exclusively dealt with by the legal section through Examination Disciplinary Action Committee.