Saurashtra University has 45 Sections and 31 Post Graduate Departments on the campus where total 111 out of sanctioned 223 Non-teaching staff and 443 contractual/self finance Non teaching staff are providing administrative assistant to higher education system of Saurashtra University. To provide administrative assistance in service related matters and dues, the Establishment Section B separately came in to existence in the year 2005. Earlier since inception of the University, the Establishment Section has been looking after all HR matter of Teaching and Non Teaching staff of the University.
At present, all HR management work related to Non teaching staff of this university i.e. maintenance of service book, leave account, recruitment, promotion, pension, salary fixation etc. has been carried out by the Establishment B section. The section arranges training opportunity to the non-teaching employees of this University.
The University strictly follows the UGC guidelines and Government of Gujarat rules for the recruitment and promotion of the Non teaching staff. The recruitment of various vacant posts is in process.
Many officers of Saurashtra University were appointed/nominated at National level/State level higher education institutions and Government Departments on the posts of First Registrar and Finance Officer etc.