The Saurashtra University Act 1965 directs the University to provide instruction, teaching and training in various branches of learning, courses of study, to make provision for research, advancement and dissemination of knowledge. Academic is one of the most important section and pillar of the University. One of the basic requirement of the higher education is Syllabus along with Ordinances, Rule and Regulations. The Academic Section is working to fulfill the above objective of the University by extending the administrative assistant to Board of Studies, Faculties, and the Academic Council as entrusted in the Act.
The Academic Section is constantly working on the upgradation of syllabus of various courses in line with UGC Model Curriculum for the advancement of the knowledge of our students. All the upgraded syllabi of the University are available on the website as well as in the section. The students and other stake holders can easily access the syllabi. Certified copy of syllabi can also be made available as per prescribed norms.
To support the campaign of Digital India launched by the Government of India and the Government of Gujarat, all the agenda and minutes of the meetings of various authorities, i.e. Board of Studies, Faculties and Academic Council, are prepared and sent through e-mail only to all the members concern. The meetings of the board of studies, faculties and academic council are being held regularly for various academic matters.
The members of authorities of the University were posted / appointed on various national/state level statutory bodies to represent the Saurashtra University i.e. Chancellor-Vice-Chancellor of the University, Member Gujarat Public Service Commission, Member Medical Council of India, Member Dental Council of India, Member Gujarat Secondary Education Board etc.