1 |
Name of Journal: Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
ISBN/ISSN No: 0025-0422,
2021 |
2 |
Name of Journal: Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
ISBN/ISSN No: 0025-0422,
2021 |
3 |
Name of Journal: An International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2019 |
4 |
Data Quantification to Measure Effectiveness of an Interactive Elementary Programming Model
Name of Journal: International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISBN/ISSN No: 2347-6710,
2019 |
5 |
Name of Journal: International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews - IJRAR
ISBN/ISSN No: 2349-5138,
2019 |
6 |
Ensemble Classifier for Cervical Cancer Required Test Prediction
Name of Journal: IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
ISBN/ISSN No: 2348 –1269,
2019 |
7 |
An Analysis of Examination Tools and Methods to Control Congestion in Network
Name of Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2349-5162,
2018 |
8 |
An analytical study of Cryptography and Steganography technique for robust Security and integrity of the data
Name of Journal: International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering
ISBN/ISSN No: 2347-2693,
2018 |
9 |
A Comprehensive Study of Various Classification Techniques in Medical Application using Data Mining
Name of Journal: International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering
ISBN/ISSN No: 2347-2693,
2018 |
10 |
Name of Journal: Research Matrix-International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal for Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321 7073,
2017 |
11 |
An Investigation of Constructivism and Cognitive Load Theory for Computer Programming Tool
Name of Journal: International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-9798,
2017 |
12 |
A Proficient Unambiguous Congestion Control Model for High Rate Networks
Name of Journal: International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2394-2320,
2017 |
13 |
Name of Journal: International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-2882,
2017 |
14 |
Name of Journal: International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET)
ISBN/ISSN No: 0976-6367,
2017 |
15 |
STEGO: A Tool for Implementing Text-Audio-Video Steganography
Name of Journal: International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering
ISBN/ISSN No: 2347-2693,
2017 |
16 |
Data Mining and Life Science: A Survey
Name of Journal: International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-8169-633-636,
2017 |
17 |
Cervical Cancer Prediction using Data Mining
Name of Journal: International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-9653,
2017 |
18 |
Task Manager: Gives Open Windows Information
Name of Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
ISBN/ISSN No: 2319 5940,
2016 |
19 |
A Study of Various Windows Task Bar from Evolution
Name of Journal: International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-9798,
2016 |
20 |
Name of Journal: Quest International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISBN/ISSN No: 2278-4497,
2016 |
21 |
NoSQL Database: Cassandra is a Better Option to Handle Big Data
Name of Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2319-7064,
2016 |
22 |
Migration from relational database like MySQL to nosql database like Cassandra is necessary and how to migrate it using spark
Name of Journal: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development
ISBN/ISSN No: 2456-6470,
2016 |
23 |
Analysis of Hadoop Structure and Distributed File System (HDFS)
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2016 |
24 |
Beyond the Hype: Big Data Concept, Methods and Analysis
Name of Journal: SHREY Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2279-0799,
2016 |
25 |
Name of Journal: Research Expo International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1630,
2015 |
26 |
An Emerging Trend of Big data for High Volume and Varieties of Data to Search of Agricultural Data
ISBN/ISSN No: 0974-6471,
2015 |
27 |
Privacy, Security and Social Impacts of Data Mining and Data Mining Trends
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
28 |
A Study of wolfram solution for Image processing
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
29 |
DSP in Digital Image processing
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
30 |
A Study of Digital Image Processing
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
31 |
A review of Data warehousing and Data Mining
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
32 |
A Study of data mining applications
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
33 |
Role of Data warehousing and Data Mining in E-Governance
Name of Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
34 |
Analytical Study of quantum cryptography communications
Name of Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
35 |
A review of concept of cryptanalysis and quantum cryptology
Name of Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
36 |
A review of Encryption and decryption process for information technology
Name of Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
37 |
A review of Encryption and decryption process for information technology
Name of Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
38 |
A Study of Data Encryption Standard
Name of Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
39 |
Challenges: An Application Model for Pervasive Computing
Name of Journal: VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
40 |
Knowledge Acquisition via Incremental Conceptual Clustering
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
41 |
Global Positioning System and New Trends In Information Technology
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE]International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
42 |
Cartography in a Mobile Internet Age
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2015 |
43 |
Wireless LAN Networking
Name of Journal: [RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
44 |
Research Trends in Quantum Computing
Name of Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
45 |
Improve Performance and Productivity with M-Learning
Name of Journal: [RESEARCH MATRIX]International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
46 |
Mobile OS and Efforts Towards Open Standards
Name of Journal: RESEARCH MATRIX] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2321-7073,
2015 |
47 |
An Emerging Trend for Big data for High Volume and Varieties of Data to Search of Agricultural Data
Name of Journal: Oriental Journal of Computer Science & Technology
ISBN/ISSN No: 0974-6471,
2015 |
48 |
An Effective Use of ICT For Education on Worldwide Knowledge, Research & Experience
Name of Journal: [PIJR] Paripex Indian Journal of Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1991,
2015 |
49 |
Implementation of Data Mining Techniques for Extrapolative Stock Prices Using Crisp-DM Methodology
Name of Journal: [PIJR] Paripex Indian Journal of Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1991,
2015 |
50 |
Effect of Encryption Method and Quantity of Data on Correlation Coefficient in Encrypted Data
Name of Journal: [PIJR] Paripex Indian Journal of Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1991,
2015 |
51 |
Land Change Detection system for agriculture activities using GIS-GPS Technology (G-LCDS)
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2015 |
52 |
Uses of ICT tools in Education
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2015 |
53 |
An Effective Methodology For Removing Pirated Content & to Identify Digital Copyright Infringement
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2015 |
54 |
Statistical Methods for Cryptography
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2015 |
55 |
Data Mining, Extensive Use in Statistics
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2015 |
56 |
Comparative Study on Software Development Methodologies
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2015 |
57 |
Importance of Statistical Measures in Image Processing
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2015 |
58 |
Studying Data Mining and Data Warehousing with Different E-Learning System
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2015 |
59 |
Quantum Cryptography: Analysis & Keeping your Secrets secret
Name of Journal: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1630,
2015 |
60 |
A Study on Various Automation Tools and Comparison of Selenium Web Driver and Sahi Pro
Name of Journal: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1630,
2015 |
61 |
A Comparison based Analysis of Five Different Types of Microsoft Windows Switcher with their Performances
Name of Journal: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1630,
2015 |
62 |
NoSQL Databases: Big Data Characteristics and Comparison of Traditional and Big Data Analysis
Name of Journal: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISBN/ISSN No: 2278-4497,
2015 |
63 |
Implementation of ETL Process in Data Warehouse
Name of Journal: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISBN/ISSN No: 2278-4497,
2015 |
64 |
Toeplitz and Circulant Matrices
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2014 |
65 |
Cache-based Query Optimization in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Name of Journal: [IJSTR]International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research(OnLine)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2277-8616,
2014 |
66 |
QoMoD: Effective Query Optimization in Mobile Database Systems
Name of Journal: [JICT]Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, UK(OnLine)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2047-3168,
2013 |
67 |
A Survey on caching, Replication and Crowdsourcing In Mobile Environment
Name of Journal: [IJCST] International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Australia (OnLine)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2047-3338,
2013 |
68 |
A Study About Weather Forecast Uncertainty Management and Display
Name of Journal: [VIEW OF SPACE] International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2320-7620,
2013 |
69 |
An Investigation into the Field of Cryptography and Cryptographic Algorithm Protocols
Name of Journal: [PARIPEX]Indian Journal of Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1991,
2013 |
70 |
Similarities and Contrasts between Grid Computing and Cloud Computing
Name of Journal: Indian Journal of Applied Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2249-555X,
2013 |
71 |
Database System and Query Processing in Mobile Environment: A Survery
Name of Journal: [IJSR] International Journal of Science and Research, India (OnLine)
ISBN/ISSN No: 2319-7064,
2013 |
72 |
Grid Computing: Growing Technology of New Era
Name of Journal: iSTAR [RESEARCH@ICT]International Journal of Information and Computing Technology
ISBN/ISSN No: 0976-5999,
2012 |
73 |
Analysis and Design Graphical Password Authentication Using Cryptography Algorithms
Name of Journal: [PARIPEX]Indian Journal of Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1991,
2012 |
74 |
Analytical Study of Wavelet Based Color Image Compression Method
Name of Journal: [PARIPEX] Indian Journal of Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1991,
2012 |
75 |
An Approach To Enhance Image Encryption Using Block based Cryptography Algorithm
Name of Journal: [PARIPEX]Indian Journal of Research
ISBN/ISSN No: 2250-1991,
2012 |
76 |
Interface for Image Registration Process
Name of Journal: [IJ-ETA-ETS] International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences
ISBN/ISSN No: 0974-3588,
2011 |
77 |
Enhancement of Business Application Using Wireless and Location Based Services
Name of Journal: [IJ-ETA-ETS] International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences
ISBN/ISSN No: 0974-3588,
2009 |
78 |
A Review: Implementing Network Security Using Various Techniques
Name of Journal: [IJ-ETA-ETS] International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences
ISBN/ISSN No: 0974-3588,
2009 |
79 |
Windows Azure: Tomorrow's Platforms for Could Application Using Cloud Services
Name of Journal: [IJ-ETA-ETS]International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences
ISBN/ISSN No: 0974-3588,
2009 |
80 |
Exploring Surface Computer for Graphical User Interface
Name of Journal: [IJ-CA-ETS] International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences
ISBN/ISSN No: 0974-3596,
2009 |
81 |
A Review: Geographic Routing Protocol for Large Dynamic Wireless Sensors Networks
Name of Journal: [IJ-ETA-ETS] International Jounal of Enginnering Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences
ISBN/ISSN No: 0974-3588,
2009 |