Department Of Statistics

Department of Statistics

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The Department of Statistics is established in the year 1984 and offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. Programs. Post –Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management (PGDHM) and M.Phil. programs are offered as self-financed basis. The department is fully equipped with ICT based class rooms, auditorium, interaction room, and computer laboratory also equipped with highly configured systems and latest versions of tools like SPSS, SAS, R – Language, STATCRAFT, etc.  Two Professors and three contractual based Assistant Professors are appointed. Department also invites eminent experts for the smooth conduct of its teaching assignments. Department offers the latest syllabus for all the programs with choice based credit system (CBCS). Department is acting as a learning centre through inter – disciplinary teaching – learning approach, students seminars, two-way communication lecture systems  through latest multi-media technology and often collaborating with other departments. To organize conferences, workshops, seminars etc. is regular and frequent activity to enhance the knowledge. Department also contributes research papers in International and national Journals. The major research areas in the department are Biostatistics, Applied Statistics, Pure Statistics and Data Mining. Dr. D.K. Ghosh (Founder Head) is Awarded by UGC – BSR Faculty Fellowship and Faculty of Royal Statistical Society (FRSS). Dr. G.C. Bhimani is working as a Head of the Department and Director of IQAC also acted as Dean, Faculty of Science.