# PhD Awarded Student Details Regi. Date
1 Student Name: Punita Virani
Guide Name:  Dr. R C Jadeja
Title of Thesis: Detailing of application process for depicting some traditional embroidery motif using computerized machine embroidery Subject:  General Home Science
2 Student Name: Nishita Baxi
Guide Name:  Dr. N R Dave
Title of Thesis: Effect of omega 3 fatty acid, L-glutamine and probiotics on ulccerative colitis patients Subject:  Foods and Nutrition/ Home Science
3 Student Name: Jaymin Mendpara
Guide Name:  Dr. H D Joshi
Title of Thesis: Synthesis on various heterocycles clubbed with nitrogen mustard and its biological evaluation Subject:  Bio-chemistry/Science
4 Student Name: Atul Makasana
Guide Name:  Dr. H D Joshi
Title of Thesis: Synthesis and biological evaluation of some novel DNA-directed alkylating agents Subject:  Bio-chemistry/Science
5 Student Name: Mira Trivedi
Guide Name:  Dr. N R Dave
Title of Thesis: A study on nutritional status, food preferences and attitudes towards body image of college going students Subject:  foods & nutrition
6 Student Name: Avashia Riddhi
Guide Name:  Dr. N R Dave
Title of Thesis: A study on the raw and ripemstate of bael fruit (Bangal quince, billa) Subject:  Foods and Nutrition/ Home Science