Department of Electronics

Department of Electronics

The Department of Electronics established in 1987 by the University Grants Commision is offering four programmes : M.Sc. (Electronics), M.Sc. (ECI: Electronics, Computer and Instrumentation) which is a five year integrated course (option to exit after 6 semesters of study with a bachelors degree is provided), PGDHTA (Post Graduate Diploma in Hardware Technology and Appllication) and Ph.D.(Electronics). Department has independent premises and sound infrastructure. The LAboratories are enriched with required equipments to facilitate higher studies and research.
The Department has well qualified and experienced faculties.
Thrust Areas of Research:

  1. Embedded System for Biomedical Applications
  2. Robotics
  3. 3D Printing Technology
  4. Applications of Automation in Agriculture
  5. Automobile Applications
  6. Ionospheric Studies
  7. Visual Programming Language
  8. Mobile Application Development
  9. Digital Siganl Processing
  10. Ferrites
  11. Material Science