Stability chamber are as per GMP and CFR-21 compliance. A full set of all equipment are required for stability study (accelerated and real time). the CoE can take, the stability study report and continuous monitoring of stability of Pharmaceutical products, API, Finished formulations and herbal formulations and Ayurvedic products and Nutraceuticals.
To prove the shelf life of a drug in a certain market, the manufacturer must store it at a relevant temperature and humidity for a specified time. This is done in a stability chamber also known as a stability cabinet. Each market’s regulatory authority specify what temperature and humidity conditions should be used and how long the samples are to be stored, e.g. 6 to 12 months minimum. During this period the samples are tested and their potency and degradation measured and recorded. This is called stability testing.
Professional inquiries are solicited
Photo Stability Chamber

Humidity Chamber
Cooling Chamber

Deep Freedzer