लक्ष्यवेध-Webinar on Approaching Government Competitive Examinations in the Present Crisis of COVID19

Organized By: - Career Counseling and Development Center (CCDC), Saurashtra University, regional center, Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration (SPIPA), Rajkot & Essencetech

Inaugurated By: - Prof. Nitin M. Pethani, Vice-Chancellor, Saurashtra University, Dr. Vijaybhai Desani, Pro Vice-chancellor, Saurashtra University and all the Syndicate Members of Saurashtra University & Prof. Nikesh Shah, Coordinator, Career Counseling & Development Center, Saurashtra University, Rajkot.

Dates: - May 23, 2020 (23/05/2020) - 04:00 PM

Total No of Participants registered: 2074

Total No of Views: - 8500 (Zoom+ Facebook + YouTube)

Lakhyavedh-Approaching Government Competitive Examinations in the Present Crisis of COVID19

Organized from: 23-05-2020 to: 01-06-2022

Organized by: Career Counselling & Development Centre (CCDC)