'Yog ane Karkirdi' was arranged on 19th of September 2020, Thursday at Saurashtra University Senate Hall under the coordination of VIDUSHI ( Centre for women's studies snd researches) and Saurashtra Unversity girls hostel.The program was inaugurated by the Dr Nitin Pethani sir(V C Sir Saurashtra University). The event was arranged to share the way to get into the Yog field and have their best career. For that our expert was Vidushima Dr Arunaba Jadeja (Lakulish University) who gave us a brief look into the yog world. Dr Nitin Pethani sir and Dr Vijay Desani sir (P V C sir Saurashtra University) also delievered some valuable words on Yog. Dr Rekhaba Jadeja (Rector Girls Hostel) anchored the program. A performance on Yog was also presented by the allumni of the Lakulish Yog University. We thank Vidushima for sparing their valuable time with the hostel girls. Hostel girls were feeling very warmed after getting into your aura Vidudhima. Here is a look at the event.